Friday, February 14, 2014


Wow, it's been a while since I last posted!  It's been a busy couple of months with the holidays, family, lots of snow days, and getting ready to list our condo!  Yes, you read that correctly!  We are in the final preparations to get ready to sell our condo!  I'm not gonna lie, it's been a little stressful, but I am so excited and happy to finally be at this point!  After trying to buy a new home a few months back and having that sort of blow up in our faces, we have now decided to try and just sell our condo and then find a home to rent for a little while before we attempt to purchase a home again.  I am actually feeling really good about our decision and can't wait to begin looking at rentals!  There are several out there right now that I really like, so hopefully our condo sells quickly and we can jump on one of these rentals!  I will be sure to keep everyone updated!

I've also been struggling just a little bit with the idea of this blog, which is another reason it has been so long between postings.  I went through this several years ago when I had this same blog and shared personal things in my posts.  While I love the cathartic feeling of baring my soul in my writing, it can sometimes feel very uncomfortable to actually share those thoughts and feelings with others on the vast world if the internet.  It became so uncomfortable in the past that I erased the entire blog and stopped writing it altogether.  When I started the blog again I told myself that I would keep it lighter and not delve into the more deeply personal stuff, but it comes out sometimes.  I guess I am just finding it a little difficult to balance what to share and how much.  I am a very private person, so it can sometimes be hard to know that people that I only know casually have access and knowledge of my private thoughts and feelings.  So, I have been hesitant to come here to share things since I have been struggling with how I feel about being so open in a public forum.  So, for now I will keep posts light until I can figure out the direction I want this blog to take.  I've also been feeling somewhat aimless in life in general, just sort of in a state of ambivalence, sort of in a holding pattern.  I guess that's partly due to things being up in the air regarding the sale of our home and where we may be going from here.  I guess it's only fitting that my blog be in a state of flux as well. 

Monday, December 16, 2013

My Outlet

So, I just wanted to check in because I know my last entry sounded a little dire.  I have had a lot of friends ask me if I am ok after reading it.  Yes, I am fine!  I'm still mad and frustrated, but I will get over it eventually.  One thing that people may not know about me is that writing is my outlet.  Some people shop too much (which I can be guilty of, too!), or drink too much, or eat too much, or take their feelings out on others or on themselves.  Me, I write about my feelings.  I have ever since my dad gave me a little blue diary with a combination lock on it when I was about 12-years-old.  I still have that diary, too!  I wrote in it from age 12 to 16!  Lots happened in my life in those 4 year!  Yet, I digress.  My point is, when I have strong feelings about something, I tend to need to write about it.  I have to give my feelings a voice, so to speak.  Most of the time, once I can get my thoughts and emotions on paper, I can then move past them.  That was the point of my last post, really.  Just to dump all of those icky feelings somewhere so that I wouldn't have to walk around feeling them anymore and begin the process of moving forward.  So, as I said before, I am fine.  I am enjoying my family, preparing for Christmas, and just enjoying my life where I am at the moment. 

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Fake it 'til you make it...

Yes, I know I have not written here in a while.  Partly because I have been super busy with my little photography business, partly because I was wrapped up in what was apparently a fantasy (looking to buy a new house), and partly because I just haven't been in a good place.  I really don't want to come here and whine and complain.  I really don't want to spout off all of the reasons why I am mad at the world.  I really don't want to feel the way I have been feeling.  Yet, here I am, feeling angry, sad, and in a dark place.  I'm trying really hard to "fake it 'til I make it", but it's hard.  I don't want to seem ungrateful, I don't.  But, truth be told, I probably am.  I know I have it good.  I have what should be a happy little life.  But, I'm not happy.  I'm just not.  I'm trying very hard to be.  And I will keep trying.  That's all I got.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

I Am Mine

I know this is supposed to be a Workout Wednesday post, but I was lazy and didn't work out today.  In fact, I haven't worked out in a week, oops!  Life seems crazy busy between getting the girls off to school, to and from their activities, preparing meals, helping with homework, volunteering in classrooms, running a small side business,  etc., etc.  It is difficult to find the time, not to mention the energy, for working out!  I know, I know, that's not really an excuse, and I know I need to be better about making the time for my workouts.  I will, I promise.  Just as soon as I can figure out how to manage my time a bit better!

I actually wanted to stop in and write about something else this evening, though.  Have you ever felt like you have to apologize for something you believe in, for something that you love, or for simply being you?  I am wondering if this is something that women alone battle with, or if men feel it too, or maybe it's just me?  Surely I can't be the only one.  I think feeling this way, feeling that it's not ok to be who I am, comes from a lack of confidence in myself.  I definitely felt this way within my family.  I felt like my thoughts and feelings were invalid, annoying, troublesome to others, and basically just not ok.  So, of course, I learned not to share these thoughts and feelings and I learned to feel like how I felt, who I was, was not ok.  This feeling has stayed with me, even into adulthood.  Although it has lessened a great deal, the feeling of being not ok definitely creeps in from time to time.  If I am honest, it usually occurs when I get into an argument with someone in my family.  When I become angry or upset about something and I voice my concerns, they are usually met with anger, frustration, and what feels like a lack of understanding for my stance on the issue.  I guess all of this is very normal when conflict arises between people, but maybe feeling like you need to apologize for your feelings is not?  I really don't know.  That's why I am writing about this, to see if I am alone in feeling this way or if others have also experienced these feelings. 

I know I have written about my experience with seeing a therapist and this process has definitely helped me become a more confident person.  Along with this confidence, I am learning to embrace who I am and to be ok with that.  I no longer feel the need to apologize for my thoughts, my feelings, or for being who I am.  Of course, this doesn't mean that I won't take responsibility for when I do something wrong or hurt someone's feelings, but I won't apologize for being me. 

I can sometimes be lazy.

I often procrastinate.

I am sensitive and sometimes my feelings get easily hurt.

I am a recovering perfectionist.

I am spiritual, but not religious and not sure I believe in God.

I do have a temper if pushed too far.

I have high expectations for myself and for others.

I hold grudges for far too long.

I sometimes have a hard time expressing love and gratitude.

I often focus on the negative and have difficulty seeing the positive.

These are all parts of myself that I no longer wish to apologize for.  Other people in my life have their idiosyncrasies and I don't see them feeling bad about it.  To the contrary, it feels as though I am expected to change something about myself in order to better conform to their idiosyncrasies.  Well, I am here to say NO MORE!  I will no longer bend to this feeling, this feeling of not being enough just the way I am.  If someone in my life has an issue with that, that is on you.  This is me, the true and real me.  I can't be the person that you think or wish I would be.  I can only be me and I think that is more than enough.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Workout Wednesday

It is Wednesday again.  Last Wednesday I neglected to write on the blog.  As I said before, I was obsessed with cleaning and organizing my house for the realtor's visit.  But, my head is back in the game now, so I thought I would update on my workout progress.  I went to my first Barre Fit class last week and it was so much fun!  I really liked it!  Barre Fit is essentially doing ballet inspired warm ups at the ballet barre.  The class begins with stretching, then some floor exercises similar to pilates, and then work at the barre.  It is a great workout!  My legs feel like wet noodles for a while after class!  I went to the class again today, too.  I thought I would be super sore for days afterward, but I didn't feel too badly, actually.  My goal is to try the adult jazz dance class next.  It is on Thursday evenings, so depending on when Jason can make it home, I hope to try it tomorrow night.  I used to love to dance, so I can't wait to check out this class.  Quite honestly, that is why I chose to do the adult fitness classes at the dance studio as opposed to a gym.  I really wanted the opportunity to try out the dance classes.  As a teenager I used to love blasting the music in my bedroom and practicing my dance moves in the mirror.  At one point in my adolescence I wanted to be a choreographer!  I'm definitely not saying I was that good of a dancer by any means!  I just loved to dance and it was one of those crazy teen career ideals, ha ha!  But, there is an inner dancer in there somewhere, and I am going to give her a chance to shine a little!  I will let you all know how it goes! 

Unfortunately, other than that first barre fit class and the one today, I haven't worked out at all!  It is honestly hard to find the time!  There seems to always be something else going on and I just haven't been able to get it together.  I am going to try my best to change this.  I have also been fighting off a cold, too, so I haven't felt much like working out either.  I hope to step it up a little this next week! 

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Random Thoughts

Well, I suck at this blogging thing, huh?  I've been thinking about writing, but honestly I have been very busy.  Busy with my girls, volunteering in each of their classes, trying to start a consistent work out routine, and lately I have been obsessed with cleaning and organizing my house in preparation for meeting with a realtor so we can discuss putting it on the market.  The realtor was supposed to come today, but she had a family emergency and she wasn't able to make it, so we will be meeting with her tomorrow.  Fingers crossed all goes well!

I have also been thinking about the whole blog thing a lot.  I do love writing, and I love writing knowing that others will read it.  However, at the same time I am a private person, and blogging about my life doesn't leave much room for privacy.  So, I've been trying to figure out how to have the best of both worlds.  Still not quite sure how that's going to work, but I'm workin' it out!

Something I have been doing some thinking about is how to be a more positive person.  If you know me in real life, I am sure you have noticed that I'm not the most positive, upbeat person out there.  I tend to see the negative in a situation first and focus on that.  The silver lining escapes me every single time.  I wonder if this is something that is learned, or if this is just a deep seeded part of a person's personality?  Or is it just life experience that fogs the lens?  Or maybe a combination?  I wish I knew the answer to this question.  Not that it would really make a difference, I guess.  It would still be incredibly difficult to change behaviorally.  As far back as I can remember, I have been what my husband likes to call a "Negative Nancy".  Of course, this trait only grew worse as I grew older.  I have grown painfully aware of this negative trait, especially since it is often pointed out to me by others (and by others, I mean my husband, who by the way, is not Mr. Rose Colored Glasses either).  Since seeing a therapist, I have made many changes in my life, and learning to be more positive is one of them.  I feel like I was doing better with being more positive there for a while, but the truth is, the negativity has found a way to creep back in.  Staying positive and sunny and always upbeat takes a lot of work and, quite frankly, gets a little exhausting after a while.  I don't know how all of you positive people do it!  If you are a shiny, happy people type of person, please share your secret!  Don't get me wrong, it's not like I'm down in the dumps all of the time, I am happy a lot of the time.  But, the negativity is there, it's always there.  I don't want my daughters to be affected in a negative way by this personality trait of mine.

I think this has been on the forefront of my mind lately because we are thinking about and preparing to sell our home.  I have been unhappy in our condo  I know it's because I focus on what I don't like about our home instead of focusing on what is good about it.  I guess I just don't want to put all of my eggs into the moving-to-a-new-house basket and think that then everything in my life will be perfect and I can finally be happy.  I know someone who has thought this many times and moved many times, but guess what?  The new house does not solve all of this person's problems.  This person is still a Negative Nancy.  This person is still unhappy.  I don't want to be that person.  So, I'm trying to focus on learning to be more positive and more happy, just in the moment, in the everyday, and not make my happiness contingent on where I live or what car I drive or having the newest THING.  Life is about so much more than that.  It's just that sometimes I forget that and get caught up in the "what isn't right about this picture" way of thinking.  Instead I need to look at the picture for what it is and appreciate the beauty that shines through.  I'm working on it, I promise.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Workout Wednesdays

I have been trying to institute a workout regimen in my life for, like, ever.  Seriously, I have never been good at making exercise a priority.  I would much rather sit on my butt and watch  TV or read or do anything that isn't exercise.  My idea of exercise is walking the mall while I shop (and if any of you have shopped with me, you know that I like to shop until I drop!  Just ask my girls!).  However, I know I need to get serious about  working out and making my health one of my top priorities. 

Throughout my life I had always been super skinny.  Like, seriously skinny, to the point of being made fun of.  Which is why working out has never been a priority of mine, it didn't have to be.  All you ladies out there who think that being thin is everything, I am here to tell you that really, it's not.  Being thin does not make you happy, being thin does not fix all of life's problems, and being thin is not going to make that guy you've had your eye on fall in love with you.  I struggled to put weight on as a teenager.  With popular songs back in the day like "Baby Got Back" I would have loved to have had at least a few curves!  During graduate school, my weight issues got worse due to developing GERD, or acid reflux disease.  The stress from grad school really took a toll on me and I suffered greatly from GERD.  I could barely eat and I lost quite a bit of weight.  I think at my lowest I weighed 108 pounds, which at 5'8", is extremely thin for my body type. I ate TUMS and Zantac like they were candy and eventually went to see a gastroenterologist, which is when I was finally officially diagnosed with GERD.  I then was put on Prilosec (this was before you could buy the OTC version).  I slowly started to feel better and was able to resume life as normal.

Cut to later, after grad school, when I got pregnant with our first daughter.  At this time I was still taking Prilosec, but I switched to OTC Zantac, which was safer during pregnancy.  I was so psyched to be pregnant and finally able to pack on some pounds.  And I did!  Some of the weight stayed on after my pregnancy, which I was happy about, and I was also having significantly less problems with GERD.  It seemed that I was finally at a healthy weight and feeling better as well.  However, I still wasn't exercising.  After the birth of my second daughter, things began to slowly spiral downhill in my life.  Actually, it seemed that my life was slowly crumbling and crashing down around me.  I suffered from postpartum depression, I was starting to have stomach issues and GERD issues again, my husband and I were having marital issues, and I lost my grandmother, which just added to all of the stress that I was already under.  Through the course of all of this.....stuff.....I was not feeling or looking healthy at all.  I lost quite a bit of weight, probably about 15 pounds, and the worst thing was I could not eat.  I had this awful burning, sick feeling in my stomach all the time.  I wanted to eat, but I couldn't most days.  I had to force food down.  I knew I needed nourishment to be healthy.  But, I wasn't feeling healthy at all.  I began doing a lot of research on Dr. Google and discovered that the medication I was taking, OTC Prilosec this time, was most likely causing more harm than good.  I won't go into details here because it's too much information, but basically the Prilosec was not allowing my body to process and break down food like it is supposed to do.  Prilosec shuts down the production of stomach acid, but our bodies have stomach acid for a reason, to break down our food and prepare it's nourishment to be sent out to the rest of our body.  After reading this, I began researching more natural ways of dealing with GERD so that I could wean off of the Prilosec.  My first step in this process was to see a gastroenterologist again.  I had a procedure done, along with a biopsy, and discovered that, along with GERD, I also had gastritis, hence the constant burning sensation in my stomach.  I was prescribed Nexium, which I did not want to have to take (it acts the same way on the stomach as Prilosec), but I did take it as prescribed for about 3 months (it is meant to be a medicine used on a short-term basis anyway).  I started to feel better, almost immediately.  I could actually eat and enjoy food again!  At this time, I really got serious about finding a regimen of natural products, vitamins and supplements, to take to help heal my body from the damage of GERD and gastritis while I weaned off of the Nexium (I will discuss this in more detail in a future post as it is too much information to include here and really deserves a post of it's own).  I am happy to report, one year later from my last doctor's appointment, that I no longer take Prilosec or Nexium.  My GERD is under control naturally, and the gastritis is gone.  Also, my goal was to put on weight, so I worked with a nutritionist as well (and had a test run to detect food allergies and sensitivities).  In the last year I have put on approximately 25 pounds!!!  I am honestly shocked!  It makes me wonder just what that medication was doing to my body?  Was I getting any nutrients from my food at all during those years on Prilosec?  I may never know.  I am just glad that I am feeling healthier now.

This brings me back to my original topic of exercise.  Now that I have gained 25 pounds, I really need to exercise and tone up a bit (My husband is somewhere cringing right now.  He hates when I use the term "tone up".  He's a power lifter.).  At 136 pounds, I am sure my weight is still within the normal healthy range for my height, and I am happy with how I look and feel at the moment.  However, there are a few areas that I would like to improve upon so that I can look and feel my best.  Plus, I know that exercise is important to a healthy lifestyle, whether you are happy with your weight or not.  Weight fluctuations can sometimes be difficult to deal with, too.  For me, as I am sure a lot of women can relate, I feel like I have had several rounds of clothes in varying sizes.  I just took some clothing items to a consignment store today that I wore last Fall.  They are now too small for me.  It can get a little frustrating, not to mention expensive, to have to buy an all new wardrobe!  This all brings me to this place.  This place of wanting to be healthier, live healthier, and incorporate exercise and healthy eating habits into my everyday life.  Hence, Workout Wednesdays on the blog.  I am trying to decide my course of action.  I really want to check out a dance studio near me that offers adult fitness classes, including jazz, hip hop, zumba, barre fit, yoga, etc.  For $99 you can get 3 months of unlimited classes, which sounds like a pretty good deal to me!  There is a Barre Fit class tomorrow morning and I am thinking of checking it out.  It's always hard to go that first time, by yourself, and not know anything about the class or the people that might be in it.  But, that is why I am writing about it here, that way I have at least a little bit of accountability!  I will check back and let you know how it goes, if I can get up the courage to go!  Wish me luck!