Friday, February 14, 2014


Wow, it's been a while since I last posted!  It's been a busy couple of months with the holidays, family, lots of snow days, and getting ready to list our condo!  Yes, you read that correctly!  We are in the final preparations to get ready to sell our condo!  I'm not gonna lie, it's been a little stressful, but I am so excited and happy to finally be at this point!  After trying to buy a new home a few months back and having that sort of blow up in our faces, we have now decided to try and just sell our condo and then find a home to rent for a little while before we attempt to purchase a home again.  I am actually feeling really good about our decision and can't wait to begin looking at rentals!  There are several out there right now that I really like, so hopefully our condo sells quickly and we can jump on one of these rentals!  I will be sure to keep everyone updated!

I've also been struggling just a little bit with the idea of this blog, which is another reason it has been so long between postings.  I went through this several years ago when I had this same blog and shared personal things in my posts.  While I love the cathartic feeling of baring my soul in my writing, it can sometimes feel very uncomfortable to actually share those thoughts and feelings with others on the vast world if the internet.  It became so uncomfortable in the past that I erased the entire blog and stopped writing it altogether.  When I started the blog again I told myself that I would keep it lighter and not delve into the more deeply personal stuff, but it comes out sometimes.  I guess I am just finding it a little difficult to balance what to share and how much.  I am a very private person, so it can sometimes be hard to know that people that I only know casually have access and knowledge of my private thoughts and feelings.  So, I have been hesitant to come here to share things since I have been struggling with how I feel about being so open in a public forum.  So, for now I will keep posts light until I can figure out the direction I want this blog to take.  I've also been feeling somewhat aimless in life in general, just sort of in a state of ambivalence, sort of in a holding pattern.  I guess that's partly due to things being up in the air regarding the sale of our home and where we may be going from here.  I guess it's only fitting that my blog be in a state of flux as well. 

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