Friday, September 6, 2013

Fashion Friday

I have always loved clothes and fashion.  Those of you who know me know that I like to dress cute.  I really appreciate all of the compliments that I have received on various outfits that I have put together.  Clothing and accessories are fun and a great way to display a little bit about yourself.  Since I love all things fashion I am going to attempt to have a Fashion Friday theme on my blog each week.  I have seen this done on other blogs and it seems fun.  What I have seen others do is post photos of themselves wearing outfits that they have put together, and while I might do that sometimes, I really just want to be able to share and talk about anything fashion related on those days.  I do not have a photo of myself to share today, but I thought I would share a website that I enjoy and get a lot of fashion inspiration from.  I actually don't visit the website often, but I have liked the page on Facebook and so get updates and fashion trends on my Facebook newsfeed each day.  The website is called Fashionista Trends. If you like them on Facebook, you won't have to worry about checking the website daily because you will see posts on your newsfeed.  I love looking through the outfits that this site puts together, not really for purchasing those exact items, but as inspiration for pieces I might already have in my wardrobe or for ideas to keep in mind when I go shopping.  I have mentioned before that I consider myself to be a pretty thrifty shopper.  I shop at various places and really try not to spend more than $25-$30 on any one item (I will make an exception for good shoes, of course, although I usually buy cheap ones).  My line of thinking is why spend tons of money on a trendy piece that you may or may not wear the following year?  My friend introduced me to the shop Plato's Closet.  It is a used clothing store.  I never used to consider buying used, and I'm still pretty picky about what I will purchase, but for someone who likes to shop as much as me, buying tops for $5, $6, $8 is definitely the way to go!  I have bought many items at Plato's Closet that were actually still new with tags, so they were technically never worn anyway!  It's a win for me!  I also love to shop at the teeny bopper store Forever 21.  Yes, I realize I am 30...........something and that I am nowhere near 21, but I can always find some cute pieces in Forever 21.  Sometimes you really have to hunt around in there, and I will admit that I can spend hours just looking around!  I also love TJ Maxx, Marshalls, and Target.  Again, I will admit to mostly shopping in the junior section in these stores, but I like the style and trends that I find there.  Plus, the prices are usually always better, too!  Maybe I'm too.....*gulp*.......old to shop junior trends, but I figure I have a few more years before I have to worry about it!  So, my advice on this Fashion Friday is to check out Fashionista Trends for some inspiration and then go to your favorite stores with some ideas of what to look for!  And always have fun!   Next week I will discuss some of the hot trends for Fall!  Happy shopping, ladies!

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